Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Burning the Candle at Both Ends

To say I am overwhelmed at this point is an understatement.  Taking two grad courses this summer may not have been my best decision ever.  That being said, finishing my masters in June will be GLORIOUS and I will be so glad I had to work so hard this summer so I can hopefully take a breath next year.  Between work, grad work, extra projects and family I am completely overextended.  Those of you that are in my grad class with LH know that I have a project I am working on to complete15 parent education videos.  Let's just say, I have 2 done and they have taken me a significant amount of time to produce.  Please don't misunderstand, I am so happy and every single thing I'm working so hard on right now are such positive things.  I'm just approaching empty on the tank.  Oh yeah, and I'm trying to train for a 13.1 mile run in 16 days.  Yikes!  Please send any spare energy you have my way.  Thanks!  Soph will have another post this weekend.


  1. Wow you are busy! But you're right... it will be nice to have it all finished and relax next summer. Good luck!

  2. I completely understand the overextended feeling! I also doubled up on my classess in both summer sessions. You are right though, it will be REALLY nice to be done early! I am sending you an extra energy that I have to get you through the summer. Good luck and stay strong! Remember to take a day or two to recharge at some point (if that is possible).

  3. I am right there with you and Kim on this one. What were we thinking on doubling up on graduate classes? I, too, will be celebrating in June!!! Until then, I pull every spare moment I have to get things done. I was also recently made the Language Arts Department chair (guiding 15 teachers) and now I have to get things ready for next week! If there is any extra energy around, consider it sent!
