Friday, July 12, 2013

The Maiden Post

Ok, so here it is!  Her very first writing that was intended for the blogosphere!  I have left it unedited so you can see her stream of conscious and so that we can measure growth.  Both she and I would be thrilled to have feedback and I think she would love ideas for future topics.  Also note that even though she has a techie for a mom, she rarely finds herself in front of a screen so this amount of typing was pretty significant and pretty clean considering.  So proud of my girl.  Thanks for supporting both of us!  Without further adieu...

Hi! My name is Sophie,

I am going to tell you a little bit about my self, then about what I have been doing throughout the corse of my summer...At least all of the very interesting parts of it.So the first thing about me is,that I absolutely L-O-V-E (love) chickens , and yes I know you are chuckling and thinking (what 10 year old girl would love chickens .Because at school every body would call me the chicken girl and other things like that but I AM a chicken girl and to me there is NOTHING wrong with that.Any way the next thing that is important (but sort of funny) about me is that I am very very clumsy ask my friends at school because I at least fall every 3 hours for example in stead of walking gracefully out of bed I fell out if bed and woke the whole family up.And the last thing about me is I have the best family in the whole entire world because they love me they take me camping and they feed me warm delicious food well most of the time some times they give me fried worms (okay fine all the time they feed me good food.

Next, like I told you in the beginning of my Blog was the interesting parts of my summer, so I am going to talk about the first day of camping at Rangeley lake state park witch is today any way the first thing that I did (after I fell out of bed) I took my little brother for a ride in the wagon for about a 3rd of a mile down to the lake then we came back (another 3rd of a mile then we did that about 5 more times.Then because we all were sweaty we took showers but sadly when my 3 year old brother Sully split his chin and his lip so he is going to have a tough week camping.and now as I am typing my friends just got here so ...TYPE TO YOU LATER!



  1. It's nice to meet you Sophie. It's going to be fun to read about all of your adventures. Thank you!

    1. Lisa -

      I have had a lot of fun making my posts all about my adventures.
      And thank you for reading by blog!

      - Sophie

  2. Love your first post. I hope to hear more about those fried worms. Haha they sound gross!

    1. Amy-

      Yes they are very gross but now they are feeding me FRIED GRASSHOPPERS because the worms have gotten more expensive...prices these days !!


  3. It's a pleasure meeting you, Sophie! Sometimes I clumsy, too! Last week I kept running into things! I thought for sure that I was going to have a broken toe by the end of the week! How long are you camping?

    1. Becca-

      We are staying at the camp ground for one and a half more days.

      And 2 days ago I got a nasty bump on my leg from tripping on the camper stairs! : )



    2. Oh no! I hope your leg is better!

  4. Sophie: I think you would like my friend Ryleigh, who is also 10 and loves her backyard chickens. She hasn't updated her blog for quite a while, but maybe you could encourage her so you can both blog and comment on each other's blogs. Her blog is here: I think you can contact her through that as well. She has 4 younger brothers and sisters, so I bet she would love having another 10 year old to chat with!
