Wednesday, July 24, 2013

While Soph is away at gymnastics camp and I pack for our second annual hike up Mt. Katadin I wanted to share this photo of the two of us at the top of Baxter Peak, the end of the Appalachian Trail, one year ago.  I can't put into words how special this day was to the two of us.  It was a hike that took 12 hours to complete and was classified on the State Park's website as "very strenuous".  It was such a bonding experience and we are taking it to a whole new level this summer.  We have invited my husband along and we will camp for 3 nights at Baxter State Park.  Wish us luck and check out the trails.  We plan to hike up Helon Taylor, across the Knife's Edge and down Abol to where our camper and a home cooked meal will be waiting.  I just can't wait!


  1. I wish you all the best of luck. What a fascinating adventure. Please be sure to share some pictures. There is no way I could do that anymore. Be safe and have lots of fun.

  2. Wow! What an exciting adventure! I am really not the athletic type, so I admire the effort put into accomplishing something so strenuous!! It'll be nice to come back to dinner already made!

  3. I am extremely impressed that she did this hike voluntarily! Three days of hiking...most kids would whine and complain the whole time. How did she do? You are preparing her to live healthy and adventurous which is awesome! Not only are you getting the time to bond but you are also creating wonderful memories!
