Thursday, August 22, 2013

I have been waiting/training for this weekend for the last several months!  On Sunday, I will run in my first half marathon!  As of last November, I hadn't run 13.1 miles in as many years let alone inside of 2 hours.  That's right...turns out... girl is fast!  Well, faster than a 34 year old who just picked up running should be anyway!  I will be running The Blueberry Cove Half Marathon at 7:30 Sunday morning!  By the time the Catholics have taken communion I will have been running beside my cousin (who is also my running coach/mentor) for more than one hundred and twenty-one thousand feet!  Only one problem, my hip has been giving me the slightest bit of's not an injury...yet!  I am going to stretch, massage and baby this freaking hip to a degree that will surely annoy my family but I don't care!  I must run this sucker!  Stay tuned!  My goal is to average eight and a half minute miles but this may be a bit ambitious...we shall see!


  1. How impressive. I wish you the best of luck. Take care of that hip and don't forget to pamper yourself. Keep us posted of your success.

  2. Awesome!I love to do mud runs! I am definitely not in shape right now though. I have a 5 month old and I have got to get back into the exercise groove! I am wanting to do a mud run in September so we will see. Good luck and I hope your hip holds out!
